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30 September 2005

Who Funds Who

I went to a seminar on Wednesday morning organised by Idasa and the Institute for Security Studes (ISS) on the private and corporate funding of political parties. They were addressing the general problems of corruption within the process of giving and receiving donations, and the influence of coporate pressure on the poliy decisions of leading parties.

They have put together a resource website called Who Funds Who which operates as a research database for media workers, researchers and anyone else looking for information about where the funding from political parties comes from and where it goes to. It is a useful resource for journalists and has one an SA Web Award for design and content apparently. I am not too sure about the design aspect, but the content is fairly innovative. They don't have a very wide range of sources for their information though, and rely mainly on the information produced by leading media organisations, the parties themselves and other research organisations.


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