More on embarrasing South Africans
Actually this could become a borderline rant.
I wasn't fortunate enough to be able to represent SA in the crowds of supporters at Twickenham on Saturday for the rugby match between SA and England. I chose to get cosy in a local pub in Southfields and was ecstatic and so proud of our boys for playing well and managing to win away from home.
I was absolutely appalled to see at least 4 old oranje-blanje-blou (orange, white and blue) South African flags as well as the Transvaal Vierkleur (4 colour) flag flown high and clear in "support" of our team. These flags are fully respresentative of the apartheid era and the atrocoties and injustices faced by the majority of South Africans before 1994.
I never once stood in that pub (surrounded by English supporters) and felt embarrassed about being South African due to the Springboks performance or attitude. Then the UK cameras focussed on these idiots in the crowds proudly displaying their support for the old regime.
How dare these people associate themselves with our national rugby team and national pride?!
To all those supporters: I don't care how long you have lived in the UK or what your reasons are for being here, you have no place associating our international ambassadors with the apartheid past in this way, or sending these kinds of messages out to the international community. Keep yourselves and your flags at home behind your curtain of ignorance.
28 November 2006
Ag boet just say you're pregnant - they'll never find out the truth
Sometimes South Africans truly amaze me with their ingenuity.
BBC News reports that Charles Sibindana was fined $140 for taking a week off work, claiming that HE wa.. er.. pregnant. He stole his girlfriends sick note from the gyneacologist and added his details instead. His employers "became suspicious" - well thank goodness for that.
Naais work.. now we really look like an intelligent bunch.
Read the full story here.
Sometimes South Africans truly amaze me with their ingenuity.
BBC News reports that Charles Sibindana was fined $140 for taking a week off work, claiming that HE wa.. er.. pregnant. He stole his girlfriends sick note from the gyneacologist and added his details instead. His employers "became suspicious" - well thank goodness for that.
Naais work.. now we really look like an intelligent bunch.
Read the full story here.