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10 April 2006

Stage 2: Fort Lauderdale (ctd...)

Well I survived the gators, which are really just small crocodiles. It was a bit tougher to get past the way of life in the Florida everglades though. Life is... er... simple down here (read Forrest Gump). Check out the photos, the airboat cruise through the glades was pretty cool, though very commercial. The boat captain, Chez, seemed to know a lot about the glades having done this for 30 years or so. Unfortunately after the cruise we sat through a gator handling show, which was actually just cruel to see. The poor animals were kept in a tiny enclosure and looked so dry and dehydrated. Their water was dirty and low and they were continually harassed by the handlers performing tricks, agitating them and frightening them half to death. I felt really upset walking out of there. They are not aggressive creatures by nature, especially around humans. Shame on commercialism!!!

Then we went to Hooters on the beachfront for drinks. A true cultural experience. I will definitely get to a high speed internet connection tomorrow that can handle large photo uploads to get some pics up. Gotta see the gators!

Tomorrow is a chilled day around town, hit the beach and get some sun!


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