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28 July 2006

Bank Debit Card Fraud: be warned!

Some nasty person (I could think of a few harsher words actually) nicked over £300 from my bank account yesterday, after gaining access to my debit card details at some point over the last 2 months. Fortunately my bank smelled a rat and contacted me almost immediately to query the transactions which came from an ATM in Romania, of all places in the world. HSBC you guys rock! Thanks for the swift action.

I am generally extremely careful with my cards and PINs, but these guys are getting clever. It is most likely that they gained my details from a dodgy ATM or point-of-sale terminal, using some kind of technology to read the details I entered. So a warning to all of you to be very careful where you use you cards and to keep a very close watch on your statements.


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